Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Third Insight

The Third Insight: We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy.  Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense & intuit.  Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction ("where attention goes, energy flows"), influencing other energy systems & increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives. 

The Third Insight informs is that everything in the universe is made up of energy, & this creates all the forms & substances of what we call our reality.  One big ocean of vibration, this energy coalesces into the myriad forms of existence, whether it be a rock, a wave, a flower, a coat in your closet, or yourself.  Existence is made of the same basic substance, & it is always in action - being born, unfolding, transforming, & shifting.

The Third Insight reveals that all things are literally one & therefore interconnected.  Because all energy is interconnected, it is malleable to human consciousness through the action of intention.  Our radiating thoughts & feelings cause our energy to flow out into the world & affect other energy systems.

The Third Insight encourages us to own the reality of this universal energy by observing it in nature & with people.  When we become aware of the unique & beautiful qualities of nature or a person, we have, in effect, raised our vibration on the continuum of consciousness.  After putting ourselves into resonance with the beauty of an object or person, the next level of perception will be to see the energy in that which we find beautiful.

Awareness of universal energy is the foundation for ultimately engaging its flow & becoming a co creator with it.  Once we know that we are part of a living system of heretofore invisible energy, a core belief will have shifted & we will exist at a higher vibration.

Plants are extremely sensitive instruments for measuring man's emotions.  They radiate energy forces beneficial to man.  The American Indians were keenly aware of these faculties.  When in need, they would go into the woods.  With their arms extended, they would place their backs to a pine tree in order to replenish themselves with its power.

The Third Insight tells us that we will learn to see the invisible energies around plants & people.

If you are eager to apply the Insights to our life, as yourself, "How can I improve my contact with natural beauty?"

Stability developed through nourishing daily habits is fertile ground for deepening our spiritual roots.

If you are feeling a desire to make a deeper contribution to others though your life & work, you are already radiating out a level of support that assists the growth of new thinking.  Your contribution is being you as fully as you can be.  You are a radiant being.

As we shift to a higher vibration, messages tend to flow in more quickly.  When we are using our gifts & abilities with right intention, things come to us.  

If you are not experiencing that flow right now, shift your intention to being shown the way back to your path.  Expect that during the day you will encounter people who have messages relevant to your needs.  As you sharpen your awareness of this phenomenon it tends to build.

The life you have at this moment us the completed picture of your current thoughts, beliefs, & past responses.

As an experiment, carry a journal with you all day for 3 days & write down all important messages or lessons you pick up from daily encounters in person or on the phone.  You might be surprised at the pattern that emerges.

If you are feeling drained, try sitting quietly & imagine a sturdy cord extending from the base of your spine downward into the earth.  Imagine drawing some of the powerful earth energy up our cord into the center of your chest.  Then imagine opening the top of your head to allow a silver cord extend upward into the sky.  Let healing, refreshing energy flow down your cord into the center of your chest connecting with the earth energy.  Soon you should experience a shift in energy.

If you want to calm down, you might want to take yourself to another room or neutral quiet place & sit with your eyes closed.  Again it may help to visualize a sturdy cord connected to the end of your spinal cord & extending downward into the earth.  Let your excess energy drain off down that cord & return to the earth energy.

A simple exercise that you can do to energize yourself or help solve a problem is to imagine surrounding yourself with light.  Close your eyes briefly (or rest your closed eyes on the palms of your hands).  Imagine a great shower of light bathing over you, enveloping you in radiance.  Bask in this inner sunbath.  Feel the warmth & brilliance of the light.  Take a few minutes to intensify the image.

The Third Insight describes our new view of the universe as energy dynamic.  As we look out on the world around us, no longer can we think of everything as composed of material substance.

Make a point of connecting with something beautiful in nature each day.  Look at a flower up close.

If you want to try to see the radiant band of light around a tree or plant, the best times of day are probably dawn & sunset.  Soften the focus of your eyes as you gaze at the outer edges of the plant.  Sit quietly & see this living being in all its grandeur.  Breathe in the beauty & fill your being with it.  Let your body expand with all the beauty you feel.  Imagine you are connected to the plant.  Feel the living energy of it.  Continue absorbing the energy, keeping your focus soft until you detect a bluish band of light.

To see the energy field in your own hands try the following exercise.  Sit comfortably in a position where you have blue sky in front of you.  Touch the tips of your index fingers together.  Keep the blue sky in the background.  Now separate the tips about an inch & look at the area directly between them.  Take your eyes out of focus a little & move the tips closer, then further apart.  Place your gaze on the area between your fingers.  Let your fingertips become slightly blurry.  You should be able to see something like strands of smoke or mist stretching between the tips.  

It is easier to see energy fields if you soft-focus the details of a form or face.  In a room, keep light dim, & place your person or object against a fully light or fully dark background.  Try looking at the outline of a friend against the sky to see the radiating band of light surrounding his or her body.  In either case, squint your eyes to blur your vision slightly.  

Briskly rub the palms of your hands together for one or two minutes.  Cup your two palms facing each other & feel the tingling sensation in the space between them.  Slightly increase & decrease the space between your palms.  Imagine you have a ball of radiant light in this space.  Feel its presence & density as you move your hands slightly.  You can place this energy by focusing awareness somewhere in your body & let it energize or heal you.

Energy increases when you are fully present, living neither in the past nor in the future.  The most important ingredient is focused awareness in the moment.  Try some of the following:
*Consciously breathing energy into all parts of your body.
*Doing fifteen minutes of yoga stretching.
*Listening to a favorite environmental tape of natural sounds or drumming music.
*Appreciating the beauty in a bouquet of fresh flowers.
*Taking time to admire a view from your home or neighborhood.
*Meditating to quiet the mind & then bathing yourself in inner light.

When your intention is to transfer loving energy there is no way to fail...because in the subtle realms intention is action.  ~Leonard Laskow, 'Healing with Love'

*Spend some time in a natural setting this week.
*Practice focusing on a tree or a plant at least once this week, & imagine a band of light around it.
*See if you can beautify your environment in small ways.
*Notice energy shifts each day, & practice building energy consciously at least once.
*Practice seeing the beauty in your friends, family, & coworkers.

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