Friday, April 20, 2012

The Sixth Insight

The Sixth Insight:  The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress.  In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others.  Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant & then we can discover our own growth path in life, & our spiritual mission, the personal way we can contribute to the world.

The Sixth Insight teaches that each of us is the next step in evolution along the lineage created by our two parents.  Our higher purpose on earth can be found by recognizing what our parents accomplished & where they left off.  By reconciling what they gave us with what they left for us to resolve, we can get a clear picture of who we are & what we are meant to do.

We must look at the events in our life, from birth until the present, for the higher meaning of their purpose, & ask, "Why was I born to my particular family?  What was the purpose of what happened?"  "Each of us has to go back to to our family experience . . . to review what happened . . . . Once we find this truth, it can energize our lives, for this truth tells us who we are, the path we are on, what we are doing."

Albert Camus: "speak out for the speechless."

"You are here because this is where you need to be to continue the evolution.  Your whole life has been a long road leading directly to this moment."

All your achievements, interests, frustrations, & stages of growth were preparing you to be here, now, exploring the Insights.

Studying both your parental influences & your own history should help reveal the life question that you have been working on.

One of the first steps we must take to evolve consciously is to clear away our past attitude, fears, misinformation, & behavior for controlling the flow of energy.

Rigidity, coldness, & fear sensations confirm that you are in competition for energy & that you have lost your center.

When you feel stuck, frozen, & confused, you are in a power struggle.  The very process of becoming aware allows you to make a choice about continuing it or transforming it.

Always project love & understanding toward the other person & trust yourself to know when to speak.  

The Sixth Insight is the awareness of when we lose our inner connection with divine energy.  Often we find that at these times we are resorting to our personal (& unconscious) way of manipulation others out of their energy.  These manipulations are generally either passive or aggressive. 
*Most passive can be called the victim, or the Poor Me, approach: always framing events as negative, looking to others for help, describing events in such a way as to make others feel guilty (& so to force them to give attention & energy). 
*Less passive is the distancing, or Aloof, strategy: giving vague answers to questions, never committing to anything, making others pursue in order to understand us.  When others are pursuing, trying to figure us out, we gain their attention & thus their energy.
*More aggressive than these two is the critic, or Interrogator, method: seeking to find something wrong with what others are doing, always monitoring.  If we catch them in what we consider an error, we make them self-conscious, overly cautious, worried about what we might think.  They watch us out of the corner of their eye & thus give us attention & energy.  *Most aggressive is the Intimidating style: appearing out of control, explosive, dangerous, & belligerent.  Others watch us closely & thus we receive their energy.

Because we tend to repeat these manipulations with everyone we meet, & to structure life events around these devices, they can be understood as "control dramas," repeated patterns that seem to bring on the same life situations over & over.  Once we bring our control dramas into consciousness, however, we begin to catch ourselves every time we revert to them, & so can stay more connected with inner energy.  An analysis of our early childhood can reveal how our control dramas evolved, but once this is forgiven we can see deeper reasons why we were placed with our early family.  From our parents' strengths & from particular growth issues they didn't complete, we can derive our life question & our work or "mission" in the world.
Parental Review

A.  Observing the Masculine Teacher (Your Father)

It is through our masculine side of our nature that we take action toward our goals.

1.  What type(s) of work did your father do when you were young?
2.  Was he proud of what he did?  
3.  In what way did he excel?  
4.  List positive words that best describe your father: 
5.  What one or two words best describe his personality?  
6.  What was unique about him?  
7.  List words that describe any negative traits in your father: 
8.  What triggered negative behavior?  
9.  What one or two words describe his worst traits? 
10.  Describe as best as you can your father's childhood:
11.  Was he happy?  Neglected?  Went to work at an early age?  Poor?  Rich?  
12.  What control dramas do you think his parents used?  
13.  In what way did his childhood influence his choices?  
14.  What was most important to him?  
15.  What statement or credo best expresses your father's philosophy of life?  
16.  List what you think was missing from your father's life: 
17.  What might he have done if he had more time, more money, or education?  

B.  Energy Analysis of the Masculine:

C.  Your Reaction to the Masculine:

D.  Analysis of What You Learned from Your Masculine Teacher

1. Like my father, I am:
2. Like my father, I am:
3. From my father, I learned that in order to succeed, I should: 
4.  From observing my father's life, I want to be more:
5. For what are you grateful to your father?  
6.  For what would you be willing to forgive your father?  
7.  From your list of what was missing from your father's life, what, if anything have you chosen to develop?  
A.  Observing the Feminine Teacher (Your Mother)

1.  What type(s) of work or activities did your mother do when you were young?  
2.  Do you think she felt fulfilled in her activities?  
3.  In what way did she excel?  
4.  List positive words that best describe your mother: 
5.  What one or two words best describe her personality?  
6.  What was unique about her?  
7.  List words that describe negative traits in your mother: 
8.  What triggered negative behavior?  
9.  What one or two words describe her worst traits?  
10.  Describe as best as you can your mother's childhood.  
11.  Was she happy?  Neglected?  Went to work at an early age?  Poor?  Rich? Sheltered?  Ambitious?  
12.  What control dramas do you think her parents used?  
13.  In what way did her childhood influence her life choices?  Had to fend for herself. 
14.  What was most important to her?  
15.  What statement or credo best expresses your mother's philosophy of life?  
16.  List what you think was missing from your mother's life:  
17.  What might she have done if she had had more time, money, or education?

B.  Energy Analysis of the Feminine:

C.  Your Reaction to the Feminine:

D.  Analysis of What You Learned from Your Feminine Teacher

1.  Finish this sentence with positive qualities you got from your mother.  
2.  Finish this sentence with negative qualities you got from your mother.  
3.  From Mother, I learned that in order to succeed, I should: 
4.  From observing Mother's life, I want to be more: 
5. For what are you grateful to your mother?  
6.  For what would you be willing to forgive your mother?  
7.  From your list of what was missing from your mother's life, what, if anything, have you chosen to develop?  

Relating Your Early Influences to Your Personal Time Line

* If you could have any kind of life you wanted, what would it look like?
* Review your list of turning points.  What interests, activities, jobs, relationships on your Personal Time Line indicate that you have been working on your original life question?
* How would you describe where you are at present in your journey.  
*  What about your life do you like the best?  
* What about your life would you most like to change?  
* How has your control drama affected your advancement?  
* Have you been asking for direction from your higher guidance on how to live a more satisfying life?  
* What coincidences have happened lately?  


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Fifth Insight

The Fifth Insight:  Insecurity & violence end when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by the mystics of all traditions.  A sense of lightness - bouyancy - & the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection.  If these measures are present, the connection is real.  If not, it is only pretended. 

The Fifth Insight encourages us to experience firsthand the magnitude of the universe & our undeniable oneness with it.  Doing so allows us to make a giant leap in understanding, even to glimpse the future.  Within transcendent states, time, space, & natural laws are bypassed, & one experiences ineffable peace, love, & a feeling of truly being at home.  The universe provides all we need - if we open to it.

Linking with the universal source through intuition, we will be guided to live from a place of creativity rather than control. 

Our task is to begin opening a little at a time & to begin the journey toward that ultimate state of union.  To do this, we are told "to consciously fill up with energy because this energy brings on the coincidences, & the coincidences help us actualize the new level on a permanent basis." 

"You do not make yourself love.  You allow love to enter you."  To do this, one must position the mind by remembering what love felt like in the past, & try to feel that love again.

The necessary condition for the existence of peace & joy is the awareness that peace & joy are available.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

With the Fifth Insight we learn that in order to tap into our universal energy, we must open ourselves to it.  Open, we can receive - energy, coincidences, & other gifts from universal intelligence.

"When you appreciate the beauty & uniqueness of things, you receive energy.  When you get to a level where you feel love, then you can send the energy back just by willing it so."

"Finding enough energy to maintain that state of love certainly helps the world, but it most directly helps us.  It is the most hedonistic thing we can do."  We must re-think our definition of love as something we do to make the world a better place.  The real work of evolution is done when we are in a state of connection to the universal energy for ourselves.  In this feeling we exist at a higher vibration &, consequently, are more able to live our purpose.

There are important realms of reality that are transcendental & transphenomenal.  The impulse in human beings to connect with the spiritual domain is an extremely powerful & important force.  It resembles, in its nature, sexuality, but is much more fundamental & compelling.  Denial & repression of this transcendental impulse introduces a serious distortion into human life on both an individual & collective scale.

While many will choose careers as practicioners & teachers in alternative fields, it is important to realize that our desire to "serve the planet" might best be approached by working on our own spiritual development & consciousness. 

Higher consciousness is what distinguishes the mystical journey & is not always the result of spiritual discipline or meditative practice.  It can be triggered by being close to death, experiencing a personal trauma, or even just by closing one's eyes for a moment of introspection.  Characteristics common to these states are:
*seeing a dazzling light accompanied by a feeling of joy
*feeling absolutely secure & loved
*feeling ecstatic
*a feeling of lightness, buoyancy
*understanding intuitively how the universe works
*releasing all fear of death, seeing the continuum of life
As you practice direct connection to universal energy, the most important measures are a background feeling of love (not connected to any one object) & contact with your interior knowing or hunches.  If you are truly connected, you will feel this love.  Otherwise you are not in contact with your source.

The common changes that occur in the lives of those who have had mystical experiences may be summarized as:
*feeling connected to a higher source
*shifting interest from material accumulation
*enhanced appreciation of beauty & other people
*enhanced extrasensory abilities
*sense of mission
*lack of self-consciousness
*ability to inspire others

The Fifth Insight is the experience of inner connection with divine energy.  By exploring & pursuing our divinity within, we can personally make contact with a type of experience called mystical.  In our search for this altered state, we distinguish between intellectual description of this awareness itself.  In this regard, we apply certain experiential measures which indicate we are in connection with universal energy.  For instance, do we experience a lightness of body?  Do we feel light on our feet, buoyant?  Do we experience a sense of oneness, total security?  And above all, do we experience the state of awareness called love?  Not toward someone or something, but as a constant background sensation in our lives.  No longer do we want to just talk about mystical awareness.  We have the courage to apply these measures to really seek this connection with the divine.  It is this connection with total energy that resolves all conflict.  We no longer need energy from others.
Morning Intention
*A few minutes before you get out of bed, allow yourself to find the center within your body.  Silently or aloud, state your intention for the day.  For example, "Today I intend to have a good time at work & learn something new."  Or "Today I intend to stay in the moment & be open to what the universe has to say."
*With eyes closed, imagine a ball of light in the middle of your forehead.  Allow it to expand throughout your whole body & into your world.  As you send this light out into all areas of your life, feel the serenity of knowing that you are alive & on purpose. 
Morning Sounds
*Upon waking, begin making any kind of sound that wants to come out of you  Don't worry if the first few sounds are rather "ugly" or guttural.  Keep expressing sound & negin to follow it with your attention as it goes up & down.  Gradually the sound will start to change, rising & clearing.  Continue the clear sound for a few minutes.  Notice how your day goes.
Breathing Practice
*Remeber that you exist in a universe of pure energy.  At any time during  the day, you have this energy completely available to you if you remain open.  Pay attention to your body frequently during the day & take opportunities to breathe consciouscly.  In these moments draw in fresh air deeply into your whole body.  Imagine the healing & energizing exchange of air taking place in your lungs & bloodstream.  Imagine that you are inflating your body with energy of the universe.  Feel yourself open up & expand.  Conscious breathing will center you no matter what is happening.
Evening Practice
*After arriving home in the evening, take five minutes more to listen to some rhythmic sounds such as drumming, chanting, or other nonvocal music that is stimulating but relaxing.  Begin to move your body to the rhythm for a few minutes, letting all tension & daily concerns flow out your body. 
Bedtime Practice
*Before going to sleep bring your attention to the center within your body.  Acknowledge yourself for whatever small steps or things that you did today, & express gratitude for all that you received.  If you need clarification on something, ask that clear information come through your dreams. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Fourth Insight

The Fourth Insight:  Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy & so feel weak & insecure.  To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention & thus energy.  When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened & often fight back.  Competition for scarce human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.

The Fourth Insight tells us that humans compete for energy with each other.  We do this unconsciously in every encounter.  By observing our own & others' interactions, we can become conscious of this competition & begin to understand the underlying nature of human conflict.  As we become more aware we will also come to realize that energy gained in this way doesn't last very long.  Further awareness brings us to the realization that the true energy we seek comes from a universal source.  We don't need to secure it from another person.

Becoming aware of how we discount ourselves helps us take responsibility for our part in a negative energy exchange.

Fixed ego positions foster a recurrent dramatic style called a control drama.  The positions describe three important attitudes.  These attitudes are defined as the Parent, Child, & Adult ego states.  The Parent ego state corresponds to the more aggressive "Intimidator" & "Interrogator" control dramas.  The Child ego state corresponds to the more passive "Poor Me" & "Aloof" dramas.  The Adult state, once it is expanded to include connection with the higher self, corresponds to the heightened state of synchronistic growth.  

Irrational power struggles always occur when we find ourselves losing energy because of someone's manipulation of our attention, & we fight back to control the situation.  
In order to begin to unhook ourselves from the need to control, the best thing we can do is focus on our feelings in the moment that we feel caught or anxious.  We need not analyze other people or try to change them.  All we need do is ask, "What am I feeling right now?  What do I need here?"  Once you have contacted your inner self & gut-level feelings, you can move into an adult mode - agreeing to disagree, not needing to win - then shift your attention to tapping into the universal source of energy.

". . . the surest way to make ourselves crazy is to get involved in other people's business, & the quickest way to become sane & happy is to tend to our own affairs."  ~Melody Beattie

Awareness of how we vie for energy is the first step toward reclaiming our own power.  Balance begins to be restored when we stop tapping into others for our energetic charge, & look inside ourselves for our connection to spirit. 

Once we stop depending on control as our only way to make things happen, our lives miraculously open up.  Letting the universe guide us puts the mystery back into our life & makes us feel truly alive. 

The purpose of the Fourth Insight is to help us recognize our need to control energy in interactions with others in order to feel a psychological lift.

The Fourth Insight is the awareness that humans have often cut themselves off from an inner connection with this mystical energy.  As a result we have tended to feel weak & insecure, & we have often sought to build ourselves up by securing energy from other human beings.  We do this by seeking to manipulate or dominate the other's attention.  If we can force the attention of another, then we feel a boost from the other's energy, making us stronger, but leaving that person weakened.  Often others fight back against this usurping of their strength, creating a power struggle.  All conflict in the world stems from this battle over human energy.
Exercise 1.  Discovery of Self-Imposed Obstacles
Purpose:  To discover how you perpetuate unnecessary struggles to gain energy.

Part 1.  Discovering Self-Imposed Obstacles

The next time I have a specific situation that feels like a power struggle, I should consider how I might justify my position & prevent resolution.  I will come back to these questions when this problems arises. 

1.  Locking yourself into a position that feels like a power struggle
a.  Describe the situation briefly: 
b.  What are your feelings about the situation?
c.  What are you trying to accomplish?
d.  How would you like to feel in this situation?
e.  What are your most important need in this situation?
f.  How do you interact with the other person from your inner Parent or Child voice?
g.  Have you locked yourself into a position?

2.  Being Righteous
a.  How have you categorized the other person & kept looking for ways to reinforce this judgement?

3.  Making everything black or white
a.  How are you limiting options by looking only for a certain outcome?
b.  What are three more options?

4.  Focusing on the feeling of security
a.  What are you afraid of?

5.  Projecting your issues onto another
a.  How is this struggle showing you what you need to become aware of?
b.  Do you interpret the other person's actions through the filter of your own fears?
c.  Does he or she reflect some part of your own unwanted anger, hatred, sexual feelings, or judgements?

6.  Using perfectionism or confusion as an excuse for staying stuck
a.  Are you unwilling to move ahead until everything is "perfect" or because you are not "perfect" yet?
b.  Are you claiming to be confused instead of recognizing what you really want or need to do?

7.  Focusing on the struggle instead of looking for resolution
a.  Are you investing energy in this power struggle instead of taking responsibility & acting on your own issues?

8.  Focusing on problems to keep energy coming to you
a.  Are you focusing on this problem to keep yourself under the illusion of having something to control?
b.  What is the payoff for you to stay focused on this problem?

9.  Letting underlying fears ruin your life
a.  What is the worse outcome in this situation?
b.  What is an even worse outcome that (a)?
c.  What do you fear is even worse than (b)?
d.  Is your worst fear realistic in this situation?
e.  Finish this statement with your response to (c):  "This situation is bring run by my fear of . . ."

Part 2.  Transforming Self-Imposed Obstacles

a.  What do you want from the other that you could do for yourself?  
b.  What could you do differently?
c.  What is an action that you would be willing to do to turn this situation around for yourself?
d.  How would you like the universe to support you in resolving this situation?
Exercise 2.  Six Intentions That Help You Stay Connected to Universal Energy
Purpose:  The following list of intentions might help you integrate the Insights of The Celestine Prophecy into your relationships.

Become familiar with the following concepts, & practice them often during the day. 
*I am increasing my awareness of energy. ~Become aware of the energy moving between you & others.  When do you feel drained?  When do you feel energized?

*I have a strong internal connection to my higher self.  ~The best thing you can do for yourself & others is to take time to connect with your higher self.  Take a break from whatever you are doing every couple of hours & close your eyes.  Reconnect with a scene from nature or a loving exchange you've recently experienced.  Feel the sensation of love coming into your body.  Feel yourself expanding.

*My best decisions are made when I am connected to my inner wisdom.  ~Try not to make decisions when you are tired, hungry, angry, or under time pressure.

*Once I have made a decision, I follow through with appropriate action.  ~Following through with action gives you energy for the next step.  "Stay alert.  Pay close attention to everything that happens."

*I take time to reflect on important decisions.  ~Often when you are engaged in a power struggle, you are swept along & might make a decision you later regret.  If you feel pushed, rushed, or boxed in for any reason, take some time to get centered.  Have a "rescue statement" ready to use so that you can retreat from a situation where you feel pressured.  For example, "Gee, I'd really like to help you.  I'm not sure how to do that right now.  Let me think about it."  Or, "Sounds interesting.  Let me call you after I've had some time to think about it."  Stick with your statement.

*I trust that my process is taking me to a higher level of living.  ~Every time you feel empowered, you exist at a higher vibration.  Acknowledge any small steps that you take successfully.  At this new level of energy, you will feel as though you are attaining your destiny.  This feeling will attract more coincidences.
Exercise 3.  Using New Behaviors

Purpose: To practice keeping your energy focused, yet free-flowing.
a.  Choose one of the behaviors below.  Describe in your journal how you could apply it to a current problem.
b.  Choose one behavior & practice it for a week.  Do you feel increased energy & more open?  Do new opportunities come your way?

Behaviors To Keep Your Energy Focused & Free

~Stay present in the moment.
~Be your authentic self - be real.
~Pay attention to your feelings.
~Listen actively - clarify what you hear.
~Stay in your Adult ego state.
~Focus on how you want to feel.
~Tell the truth as you feel it.
~Let go of attachment to only one outcome.
~Let the mystery unravel.
~Stay open.

Your life has a purpose that is in the process of being revealed to you.  Keep your current questions in the forefront of your attention.  Whenever you need to, ask for more clarification from the universe.

"Change happens not by trying to make yourself change, but by becoming conscious of what's not working."  ~Shakti Gawain
Meditation to Connect to Inner Wisdom

Step 1.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position where you won't be disturbed for 15 to 20 minutes.  Bring your attention to your breathing & take a few deep breaths.  Let your body relax & let your mind become quiet.  Let go of each thought that arises.  Continue to let thoughts flow past without holding on to any.

Step 2.  Now bring your attention to the center of your being, wherever you feel it to be.  Imagine that your inner wisdom resides in this place.  In this deep, quiet place, you may bring any question or issue that you would like to know more about.  Ask your inner wisdom, "What do I need to know here?  What is this situation trying to show me?"  Listen quietly for any message from your intuition.  Remember any suggestions for actions to take.  Whenever you feel complete, end your meditation.

Step 3.  Take the actions your intuition indicated.  If you are on track you will feel more aliveness & doors will open.  Coincidence may increase.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Third Insight

The Third Insight: We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy.  Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense & intuit.  Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction ("where attention goes, energy flows"), influencing other energy systems & increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives. 

The Third Insight informs is that everything in the universe is made up of energy, & this creates all the forms & substances of what we call our reality.  One big ocean of vibration, this energy coalesces into the myriad forms of existence, whether it be a rock, a wave, a flower, a coat in your closet, or yourself.  Existence is made of the same basic substance, & it is always in action - being born, unfolding, transforming, & shifting.

The Third Insight reveals that all things are literally one & therefore interconnected.  Because all energy is interconnected, it is malleable to human consciousness through the action of intention.  Our radiating thoughts & feelings cause our energy to flow out into the world & affect other energy systems.

The Third Insight encourages us to own the reality of this universal energy by observing it in nature & with people.  When we become aware of the unique & beautiful qualities of nature or a person, we have, in effect, raised our vibration on the continuum of consciousness.  After putting ourselves into resonance with the beauty of an object or person, the next level of perception will be to see the energy in that which we find beautiful.

Awareness of universal energy is the foundation for ultimately engaging its flow & becoming a co creator with it.  Once we know that we are part of a living system of heretofore invisible energy, a core belief will have shifted & we will exist at a higher vibration.

Plants are extremely sensitive instruments for measuring man's emotions.  They radiate energy forces beneficial to man.  The American Indians were keenly aware of these faculties.  When in need, they would go into the woods.  With their arms extended, they would place their backs to a pine tree in order to replenish themselves with its power.

The Third Insight tells us that we will learn to see the invisible energies around plants & people.

If you are eager to apply the Insights to our life, as yourself, "How can I improve my contact with natural beauty?"

Stability developed through nourishing daily habits is fertile ground for deepening our spiritual roots.

If you are feeling a desire to make a deeper contribution to others though your life & work, you are already radiating out a level of support that assists the growth of new thinking.  Your contribution is being you as fully as you can be.  You are a radiant being.

As we shift to a higher vibration, messages tend to flow in more quickly.  When we are using our gifts & abilities with right intention, things come to us.  

If you are not experiencing that flow right now, shift your intention to being shown the way back to your path.  Expect that during the day you will encounter people who have messages relevant to your needs.  As you sharpen your awareness of this phenomenon it tends to build.

The life you have at this moment us the completed picture of your current thoughts, beliefs, & past responses.

As an experiment, carry a journal with you all day for 3 days & write down all important messages or lessons you pick up from daily encounters in person or on the phone.  You might be surprised at the pattern that emerges.

If you are feeling drained, try sitting quietly & imagine a sturdy cord extending from the base of your spine downward into the earth.  Imagine drawing some of the powerful earth energy up our cord into the center of your chest.  Then imagine opening the top of your head to allow a silver cord extend upward into the sky.  Let healing, refreshing energy flow down your cord into the center of your chest connecting with the earth energy.  Soon you should experience a shift in energy.

If you want to calm down, you might want to take yourself to another room or neutral quiet place & sit with your eyes closed.  Again it may help to visualize a sturdy cord connected to the end of your spinal cord & extending downward into the earth.  Let your excess energy drain off down that cord & return to the earth energy.

A simple exercise that you can do to energize yourself or help solve a problem is to imagine surrounding yourself with light.  Close your eyes briefly (or rest your closed eyes on the palms of your hands).  Imagine a great shower of light bathing over you, enveloping you in radiance.  Bask in this inner sunbath.  Feel the warmth & brilliance of the light.  Take a few minutes to intensify the image.

The Third Insight describes our new view of the universe as energy dynamic.  As we look out on the world around us, no longer can we think of everything as composed of material substance.

Make a point of connecting with something beautiful in nature each day.  Look at a flower up close.

If you want to try to see the radiant band of light around a tree or plant, the best times of day are probably dawn & sunset.  Soften the focus of your eyes as you gaze at the outer edges of the plant.  Sit quietly & see this living being in all its grandeur.  Breathe in the beauty & fill your being with it.  Let your body expand with all the beauty you feel.  Imagine you are connected to the plant.  Feel the living energy of it.  Continue absorbing the energy, keeping your focus soft until you detect a bluish band of light.

To see the energy field in your own hands try the following exercise.  Sit comfortably in a position where you have blue sky in front of you.  Touch the tips of your index fingers together.  Keep the blue sky in the background.  Now separate the tips about an inch & look at the area directly between them.  Take your eyes out of focus a little & move the tips closer, then further apart.  Place your gaze on the area between your fingers.  Let your fingertips become slightly blurry.  You should be able to see something like strands of smoke or mist stretching between the tips.  

It is easier to see energy fields if you soft-focus the details of a form or face.  In a room, keep light dim, & place your person or object against a fully light or fully dark background.  Try looking at the outline of a friend against the sky to see the radiating band of light surrounding his or her body.  In either case, squint your eyes to blur your vision slightly.  

Briskly rub the palms of your hands together for one or two minutes.  Cup your two palms facing each other & feel the tingling sensation in the space between them.  Slightly increase & decrease the space between your palms.  Imagine you have a ball of radiant light in this space.  Feel its presence & density as you move your hands slightly.  You can place this energy by focusing awareness somewhere in your body & let it energize or heal you.

Energy increases when you are fully present, living neither in the past nor in the future.  The most important ingredient is focused awareness in the moment.  Try some of the following:
*Consciously breathing energy into all parts of your body.
*Doing fifteen minutes of yoga stretching.
*Listening to a favorite environmental tape of natural sounds or drumming music.
*Appreciating the beauty in a bouquet of fresh flowers.
*Taking time to admire a view from your home or neighborhood.
*Meditating to quiet the mind & then bathing yourself in inner light.

When your intention is to transfer loving energy there is no way to fail...because in the subtle realms intention is action.  ~Leonard Laskow, 'Healing with Love'

*Spend some time in a natural setting this week.
*Practice focusing on a tree or a plant at least once this week, & imagine a band of light around it.
*See if you can beautify your environment in small ways.
*Notice energy shifts each day, & practice building energy consciously at least once.
*Practice seeing the beauty in your friends, family, & coworkers.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Second Insight

The Second Insight: This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival & comfort.  While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet & the real nature of our universe. 

The Second Insight, solidifies our perception of mysterious coincidences as the central feature of a whole new way of approaching life. 

As the Manuscript teaches, in order to evolve we must first reconnect with what we are surviving for as a human race.  For the entire culture to thrive, a critical number of people must open to the idea of allowing intuition to guide them back to a connection with the spiritual. 

Our task, both culturally & individually, is to continue to choose more expansive, more life enhancing priorities.

The amount of consciousness you bring to the collective mind is part of your contribution.

Subtle & ever-present, core beliefs are invisible determining factors in our lives.  These thoughts imperceptibly organize our internal energy field & determine our continuing reality. 

Deepak Chopra highlights that: The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer.  We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world. 

Chopra assumes that: a learned phenomenon.  The world you live in, including the experience of your body, is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it.  If you change your perception, you change the experience of your body & your world.

Chopra also assumes: Although each person seems separate & independent , all of us are connected to patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos.  Our bodies are part of a universal body, our minds an aspect of a universal mind.

We can begin to evolve consciously by noticing the coincidental events that are purposeful to our growth.  We are not alone.  The answers to our questions come to us through an intelligence greater than our conscious mind, if we but trust in this process.

The simple process of observation, reflection, & acceptance will create a different energy for yourself & others.  If there is a time when you sense that you could make a difference, let the moment guide you.  Follow your intuition.

Exercise 2.  More Preoccupying Ideas

I'd like to change

I'd like more

I keep thinking

In six months I'd like

The most important things in my life right now are

The qualities in the people I admire most are

I'd be delighted if my life included
Exercise 3.  Where in My Life Am I Just Going through the Motions?

Exercise 4.  Finding New-Paradigm Alternatives to Your Old Preoccupations

Turn intellectual accomplishment(old) into wisdom(new). ~ How can I begin to attract more of the new attribute into my life? 
Turn fear(old) into love(new).  ~ How can I begin to attract more of the new attribute into my life?
Turn addiction(old) into self-security(new). ~ How can I begin to attract more of the new attribute into my life?
Turn physical image(old) into intrinsic worth(new). ~ How can I begin to attract more of the new attribute into my life? 
Exercise 5.  Constructing & Analyzing Your Personal Time Line

Part 1: Constructing a Time Line

Part 2: Analyzing Time Line

Step 1:
a.  What were turning points?

b.  Do you see a repeating pattern of experience, achievement, or lesson?

c.  What feels complete for you?  What feels unfinished?

d.  What were things that energized you?  What would you repeat?

e.  How have your values changed?

f.  What, if any, were the positive intentions of the negative events?

g.  What would you say you have been "in training" for?

h.  What does the purpose of your life seem to be so far?

Optional: The Experimental Guide suggests to take a guess at what appears to be the logical next step for you right now.
Exercise 6.  How to Get Answers to Your Questions

Step 1.  My Current Life Question:  

Step 2.  Be as specific as I can in my questions, as this will help me gain insight about myself & the situation. 

Step 3.  Be alert to some kind of message or intuition, daydream or night dream within the next 72 hours.  Jot down any coincidences or answers to my current questions & this will help to increase my sense of "hopeful expectancy", encouraging guidance from my higher self. 
Exercise 7.  Centering & Energizing Meditation

Before you leave the house each day, stop & take 3 deep breaths.  Close your eyes for a second & remember back to a place of serene beauty that you feel especially close to.  Breathe in the beauty of that place.  Keep breathing in slowly & gently until you feel yourself starting to smile.  Notice how expanded your energy has become.  Now state your question to yourself & surround it with this expanded energy.  Try to maintain a connection to this loving feeling all day long.
Exercise 8.  Have an Adventure

Step 1.  Make a date with someone to do something new or fun for both of you.
Step 2.  One the day of the adventure, spend a few minutes reminding yourself of your current life question & be in an expectant mood for possible answers.  Take a small notebook in case messages come in.  Notice what your intuition prompts you to do.  Be spontaneous & let go of the need to control.  Be bold!
*Be aware that you have chosen to live at this crucial time in history.
*Ask support from your higher self to give you clear messages.
*Recognize the amount of time you spend trying to control events or people.
*Choose enjoyable activities.  Do less out of a sense of obligation (which is different from responsibility).  Choose one activity that you are willing & able to let go of right now with a clear conscience.  Having fun & creating more open time raises your energy level & increases your chances for coincidences.
*Acknowledge any support you receive with gratitude.

Ready for the Third Insight? It's the next post of this blog.


The First Insight

The First Insight:  A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.

The first sign that we are awakening to this deep inner call is a profound sense of restlessness.  This restlessness may be described as dissatisfaction (even after reaching goals), vague uneasiness, or a sense that something is missing. 

Becoming conscious of the reality of coincidences & aware of their message & meaning is the first step to evolving consciously & more quickly. 

With the awareness of coincidence, we are attuning ourselves to the mystery of the underlying principle of order of the universe. 

Carl Jung gave serious study to the idea of "meaningful coincidences," & he called this phenomenon synchronicity.  He believed that it is as natural a connecting principle as cause & effect. 

The beauty of synchronicity is that it is a gift of the universal flow of energy.  We don't need a rational explanation in order to be moved by it.  However, once we have felt the connection, we might want to play with it a little further to see what it is trying to promote. 

*Be aware that your life has a purpose, & events happen for a reason.
*Begin the process of finding meaning behind each life event.
*Acknowledge restless energy as a sign of needed change & deeper awareness.  Listen to your body.
*Realize that what you pay attention to will expand.
*Notice when you feel a signal to talk with someone who might be able to help with your current questions.  Where does your attention go?  What did you notice today?
*Trust your process.  Live by letting yourself be guided, not by a forced set of goals.  Know that you are fulfilling your life's destiny.
*Start a personal journal for recording synchronistic events.  Writing a journal is a good way to clarify your thoughts.
Exercise 1.  Increasing Sensitivity to Coincidences

     ~The purpose of this exercise is to acknowledge past coincidences & become more aware of their effect on our lives.  As we bring attention to what has happened in the past, we are also stimulating an intention for higher consciousness to produce more coincidences.

Answer these questions:

Question 1. Home ~ Were there any particular coincidences or signs connected with getting your current living space (significant house numbers, encounters with neighbors, delays in negotiations, mixed-up phone calls, special street names, or any other odd details?

Question 2. Work ~ How did you get your present job?  Think back to how you found out about it, to whom you talked, & what message you might have received.

Question 3. Work ~ What were your first impressions of the workplace?  

Question 4Work ~ Did you notice any signs that might have portended something that later occurred?  

Question 5Work ~ Was there something you wish you had listened to before taking this job?  

Question 6Relationship ~ Describe how you met your most important relationship.  What led up to your being in that place at that time?  

Question 7Relationship ~ Did the person you meet remind you of anyone else?  

Question 8Relationship ~ What was your first impression of this person?  Has that impression been a true one? 

Question 9Relationship ~ Did you notice any signs (a dream after meeting this person, an odd coincidence, a delay, a mix up)?  

The experimental guide to The Celestine Prophecy notes at the closing of the First Insight to continue to be alert for coincidences, signs, & dreams & write them in a journal.  When you feel ready, journey to the next post of this blog.  Enjoy becoming AWAKE!