Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Fifth Insight

The Fifth Insight:  Insecurity & violence end when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by the mystics of all traditions.  A sense of lightness - bouyancy - & the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection.  If these measures are present, the connection is real.  If not, it is only pretended. 

The Fifth Insight encourages us to experience firsthand the magnitude of the universe & our undeniable oneness with it.  Doing so allows us to make a giant leap in understanding, even to glimpse the future.  Within transcendent states, time, space, & natural laws are bypassed, & one experiences ineffable peace, love, & a feeling of truly being at home.  The universe provides all we need - if we open to it.

Linking with the universal source through intuition, we will be guided to live from a place of creativity rather than control. 

Our task is to begin opening a little at a time & to begin the journey toward that ultimate state of union.  To do this, we are told "to consciously fill up with energy because this energy brings on the coincidences, & the coincidences help us actualize the new level on a permanent basis." 

"You do not make yourself love.  You allow love to enter you."  To do this, one must position the mind by remembering what love felt like in the past, & try to feel that love again.

The necessary condition for the existence of peace & joy is the awareness that peace & joy are available.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

With the Fifth Insight we learn that in order to tap into our universal energy, we must open ourselves to it.  Open, we can receive - energy, coincidences, & other gifts from universal intelligence.

"When you appreciate the beauty & uniqueness of things, you receive energy.  When you get to a level where you feel love, then you can send the energy back just by willing it so."

"Finding enough energy to maintain that state of love certainly helps the world, but it most directly helps us.  It is the most hedonistic thing we can do."  We must re-think our definition of love as something we do to make the world a better place.  The real work of evolution is done when we are in a state of connection to the universal energy for ourselves.  In this feeling we exist at a higher vibration &, consequently, are more able to live our purpose.

There are important realms of reality that are transcendental & transphenomenal.  The impulse in human beings to connect with the spiritual domain is an extremely powerful & important force.  It resembles, in its nature, sexuality, but is much more fundamental & compelling.  Denial & repression of this transcendental impulse introduces a serious distortion into human life on both an individual & collective scale.

While many will choose careers as practicioners & teachers in alternative fields, it is important to realize that our desire to "serve the planet" might best be approached by working on our own spiritual development & consciousness. 

Higher consciousness is what distinguishes the mystical journey & is not always the result of spiritual discipline or meditative practice.  It can be triggered by being close to death, experiencing a personal trauma, or even just by closing one's eyes for a moment of introspection.  Characteristics common to these states are:
*seeing a dazzling light accompanied by a feeling of joy
*feeling absolutely secure & loved
*feeling ecstatic
*a feeling of lightness, buoyancy
*understanding intuitively how the universe works
*releasing all fear of death, seeing the continuum of life
As you practice direct connection to universal energy, the most important measures are a background feeling of love (not connected to any one object) & contact with your interior knowing or hunches.  If you are truly connected, you will feel this love.  Otherwise you are not in contact with your source.

The common changes that occur in the lives of those who have had mystical experiences may be summarized as:
*feeling connected to a higher source
*shifting interest from material accumulation
*enhanced appreciation of beauty & other people
*enhanced extrasensory abilities
*sense of mission
*lack of self-consciousness
*ability to inspire others

The Fifth Insight is the experience of inner connection with divine energy.  By exploring & pursuing our divinity within, we can personally make contact with a type of experience called mystical.  In our search for this altered state, we distinguish between intellectual description of this awareness itself.  In this regard, we apply certain experiential measures which indicate we are in connection with universal energy.  For instance, do we experience a lightness of body?  Do we feel light on our feet, buoyant?  Do we experience a sense of oneness, total security?  And above all, do we experience the state of awareness called love?  Not toward someone or something, but as a constant background sensation in our lives.  No longer do we want to just talk about mystical awareness.  We have the courage to apply these measures to really seek this connection with the divine.  It is this connection with total energy that resolves all conflict.  We no longer need energy from others.
Morning Intention
*A few minutes before you get out of bed, allow yourself to find the center within your body.  Silently or aloud, state your intention for the day.  For example, "Today I intend to have a good time at work & learn something new."  Or "Today I intend to stay in the moment & be open to what the universe has to say."
*With eyes closed, imagine a ball of light in the middle of your forehead.  Allow it to expand throughout your whole body & into your world.  As you send this light out into all areas of your life, feel the serenity of knowing that you are alive & on purpose. 
Morning Sounds
*Upon waking, begin making any kind of sound that wants to come out of you  Don't worry if the first few sounds are rather "ugly" or guttural.  Keep expressing sound & negin to follow it with your attention as it goes up & down.  Gradually the sound will start to change, rising & clearing.  Continue the clear sound for a few minutes.  Notice how your day goes.
Breathing Practice
*Remeber that you exist in a universe of pure energy.  At any time during  the day, you have this energy completely available to you if you remain open.  Pay attention to your body frequently during the day & take opportunities to breathe consciouscly.  In these moments draw in fresh air deeply into your whole body.  Imagine the healing & energizing exchange of air taking place in your lungs & bloodstream.  Imagine that you are inflating your body with energy of the universe.  Feel yourself open up & expand.  Conscious breathing will center you no matter what is happening.
Evening Practice
*After arriving home in the evening, take five minutes more to listen to some rhythmic sounds such as drumming, chanting, or other nonvocal music that is stimulating but relaxing.  Begin to move your body to the rhythm for a few minutes, letting all tension & daily concerns flow out your body. 
Bedtime Practice
*Before going to sleep bring your attention to the center within your body.  Acknowledge yourself for whatever small steps or things that you did today, & express gratitude for all that you received.  If you need clarification on something, ask that clear information come through your dreams. 

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